Season 1 – EPISODE 25
It’s a rainy day, and Bluey has set up a taxi service inside. Her first fare is a stressed-out businessman (Dad) who needs to get to the airport immediately!
Bluey assures him there will be no delays, but then immediately picks up passenger number two, a rich lady (Bingo) and her child, Millicent (Floppy).
Between the roundabout directions of the SATNAV (Mum), Millicent vomiting all over him and the taxi finally breaking down, Dad decides to head to the airport on foot.
He boards the plane in the nick of time, only to discover that the other passenger is the rich lady and the pilot is Bluey!
This Is The Episode Where…
- Dad plays a character frantically trying to get to the airport, but Bluey, the taxi driver, is in no rush.
- Bingo pretends to be a ‘rich lady’ on her way to Stumblytastics, as well as a mechanic who says, “yeah, love,” a lot!
- Mum pretends to be the confused sat-nav.
- It’s a rainy day outside in Brisbane!

You have arrived at stumbly-tastics… to the best of my knowledge.

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