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Bluey is an inexhaustible blue heeler puppy, who lives with her mum, dad and little sister Bingo. She likes to laugh and have fun but more than anything else she loves to play games with her family.
Bluey takes the everyday events of her family’s life and transforms them into extraordinary adventures. This means role play, and whether it’s a taxi driver, hotel manager or a mermaid, she loves to pretend she’s a grown-up doing grown-up things herself.
Bluey is endlessly curious too. Even when she’s nervous about trying something new, like walking to the creek or going to the movies, she always discovers something wonderful about the big wide world around her.
The most important thing in Bluey’s life is her family and friends and she loves to share her new games, songs and wild adventures with them.

Uh! Just having a nana nap, love.



Bluey Christine Heeler


6 (S1-3) 7 (S3)


Blue Heeler

Also known as

Janet (Grannies)
Barnicus (Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound)
Rhonda (Hammerbarn)
Karen (Swim School)
Margaret (Swim School)