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What you’ll need

  • A piece of bark or anything that will float
  • A stick to make a mast, and a leaf to use as a sail
  • Something to stick it all together (like stickytape or twine)
  • Maybe add some decorations (like feathers or coloured paper)
  • A creek, pond, the bath tub or a big puddle to float your boat down
  • A friend or family member to play with or race!

How to play

  1. Find a piece of bark or anything that will float.
  2. Get a stick to make a mast, and a leaf to use as a sail.
  3. Stick it all together using stickytape or twine. Add some decorations like a feather or coloured paper
  4. To get your boat sailing head to a creek or a pond. You can also find a big puddle or use your bath tub
  5. Release the boats and watch them float downstream. Follow them along the stream to see the winner.
  6. Enjoy multiple rounds with different boats or race them against each other. 6. Have fun and celebrate the winning boat!


Barky Boats - for Real life!

Barky Boats – for Real life!

It’s time to make your own barky boat, for real life!

Make it!