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Bella is Coco’s Mum and friends with Chilli — who she met in Mothers Group when Bluey and Coco were babies. As well as an expert cupcake-maker, she’s warm, encouraging and full of good advice.

Every Mum needs a Bella in their life. Whether she’s cheering on other people’s kids in Mothers Group or sitting down for a heart to heart with Chilli, she knows just the right thing to say when the going gets tough. Which isn’t surprising; with nine kids, she’s learned a thing or two about parenthood! And that includes knowing how to fit nine children into a station wagon at school pick-up time…

You’re doing great.

S2E49 – Baby Race



Coco’s Mum

voiced by

Leigh Sales and
Hsiao-Ling Tang




Shadowlands (Season One)
Bob Bilby (Season One)
Daddy Dropoff (Season Two)
Army (Season Two)
TV Shop (Season Three)